Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nuclear Radiations

Ya Allah, what is wrong with me. What is wrong with me, Ya Allah. I am so unstable at the moment. And all my angriness is thrown at him. I pity him. Why am I so evil. Why can't I appreciate all the things he has done for me. All for me, who deserves nothing at all.
He doesn't deserve this at all.

Why do I keep pushing him away when I know he's the one I need the most? I don't want to let him go, yet I inflict pain on him as if it's nothing. I'm sorry awak. I honestly am. I'm nothing without you.
Hope it would make you feel better that when you leave me, I'll be the one crying and breaking down over you. And you'll be happier without me, with someone more prettier and much more better.
I'm sorry for being the worst for you.

Sempurnanya sifatmu
Telusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesabaranmu
Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku
tak mampu tuk menanggung sebuah cinta sempurna

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